Expectations in a Relationship List

expectations in a relationship list

What are the expectations? Often we have a conscious or subconscious idea of what a perfect relationship looks like. We then tend to put these expectations on a new partner without really getting to know them first. What we really want to do at the beginning of a relationship is consider if our new partner … Read more

Conflict Resolution Activities for Adults

conflict resolution activities for adults

What is conflict? Conflict is when two or more people have a disagreement or encounter a problem. It can start small and appear to be insignificant. However, if left unresolved it can grow and become a serious issue. This can occur anywhere. Children and adults encounter conflict, at school, at work, and at home. It … Read more

Stress Management Group Activity

stress management group activity

Impact of stress Life can be very stressful, whether it is work, family, or friends. However, the impact of this can greatly affect our physical and mental health. There are a number of exercises and activities that we can use to help us deal with stress. In particular, there are numerous group exercises that can … Read more

Anger Management Activities for Teenagers

anger management activities for teenagers

Everyone feels angry from time to time, and it can be healthy to express this anger. Talking about our feelings is a good thing. Anger is a normal emotion to experience, and we all cope with it in different ways. However, anger can damage relationships and have negative consequences when anger becomes aggression. People often … Read more

Doing Activities to Lift Your Moods the Right Way

list of activities

What are pleasant activities? You can participate in numerous activities that will lift your mood. Pleasurable activities can be anything from reading a book to dancing to your favorite song to learning karate! You can create a list that you can pick from at any time if you need a bit of a mood booster. … Read more

List of Outdoor Activities – Ultimate Guide

List of outdoor activities

Undoubtedly, it feels a bit cliché and redundant whenever you hear people rave about outdoor activities. However, you may have heard about how it changes your life for the better. Trust us when we say it’s all true. Whether it’s running, biking, camping, or some sport, exploring the outdoors will impact you positively. With vitamin … Read more

How to Get Imposter Every Time

how to get imposter every time

What is Among Us? Among Us is a game you can play on your mobile phone. It gained a sudden increase in popularity and now numerous people around the world are playing it. Among Us has become so popular, that creators have decided not to publish a sequel to it, but to focus on improving … Read more

Why Does Character Motivation Matter?

why does character motivation matter

What is character motivation? Character motivation is simply how a character behaves throughout a story. It is the reason for their actions and their responses to other people and situations. A character could be motivated by their core values and beliefs or by the environment and other people. When writing a story, a character’s motivation … Read more

The Unconventional Guide: What to Do While Unemployed

what to do while unemployed

Being unemployed can feel challenging if you are used to working full time. You might have been let go, left your job because it wasn’t a good fit for you or any other reason for becoming unemployed. Whatever the case is for you, there are a number of things to consider while you aren’t working. … Read more